Royalty Free Images for Your Articles
A number of images put together a certain way become something quite above and beyond what any of them are individually.
Francis Ford Coppola
Using images in your Internet Marketing articles or blogs helps liven up and add interest to what you are writing about. However, in this litigious world we live in, it make sense to be careful about which images you use, and to make sure that you are not breaking anyone’s copyright.
So how can you do this without studying up on a lot of dry and confusing laws, from not one but many countries, and spending large amounts of time searching for the owner of a particular image?
Well you can use one of the many image services available on the net that provide royalty free images for free or at an affordable price.
Onto the list, this is by no means a full list but will give you a great start to finding royalty free images.
The Free Ones:
There are literally hundreds of thousands of free images out there that you can use for your site for free with terms that are easy to accommodate (such as an attribution link).
NOTE: You still need to check each websites terms as some may require attributions like a link and others not, do not assume they are all the same!
The Premium ones:
Sometimes you can’t find the right image via the free sites, or the quality isn’t sufficient. At times like that you need to turn to the Premium sites to find the perfect image.
12/12/2011 @ 10:18 pm
Great info Dean! u answered my question:)
01/10/2012 @ 11:45 pm
Nice post my friend. I’ve found a load of good pictures that I can use for my own site.
Keep up with the good work! 😀
01/11/2012 @ 5:04 pm
Another “perfect-timing”!, as i’m beginning LOGO development!, Outstanding. Thank You again
01/20/2012 @ 11:45 pm
Great resource! I found a couple pictures to use on one of my blogs. Now I need to find some for my new site.
03/20/2012 @ 9:27 pm
Thanks, Dean. This is really helpful. You have some sites listed I have not heard of, so thanks very much. Good job.
Roger Shann
03/20/2012 @ 11:59 pm
Thanks for that Dean. I regularly use Dreamstime because the pics there are generally good quality and good value.
A lot of the pics on one of my sites are all my own though. Makes it more personal. I suppose it all depends on how to market your website works for you.
I do post a lot of my own pics online but i would be upset if someone stole a photograph that had taken me many hours to produce.