User Stats 1.0.2 Released

The latest version of User Stats has just been released on the WordPress plugin repository, and it has been streamlined a little and had some extra functionality added.

If you own a multi user/author site, it is well worth checking out this plugin, if I do say so myself! It provides a view count track for each posts and supplementary statistics to go with it.

It’s free, so why not give it a whirl!

The latest version contains these updates:

  • Changed the post load structure to use AJAX, to reduce potential page load times.
  • Localised the text strings allowing for translation and added a (very bad) Finnish translation.
  • Added ability to remove users from the overview section.
  • Added ability to filter posts by date.
  • Added some styles to the settings to make it a bit easier to read.
  • Added ability to reset the view counts on individual posts.
  • Added feature to have a combined overview total for multiple selected users.
  • Added feature to have a combined posts for multiple selected users.
  • Removed the Individual Author bars – moved Roles column to the overview

You can download the plugin direct from your WordPress site or to your computer via this page .

Documentation can be found here.