What Is A Mailing List?

To be a success business person, whether its on or offline you need one major thing: revenue!

Generating money is obviously the name of the game for internet marketers and in order to do so, it is wise to have varying different revenue and traffic streams coming in.

  • Ideally you would want a mix of the following:
  • Search visitors (from Google etc)
  • Social media visitors (Facebook, Twitter, and so on)
  • Referrals (from other websites promoting your content)
  • Direct visitors (from having an awesome reputation, people visit your site from a bookmark)

Whilst getting these different types of visitors is important, the next most vital aspect is to retain them.

Thats where a mailing list comes into it.

By offering up a free service or product you can entice visitors to joiun your mailing list.

Once there, it is your duty to keep them entertained. Now I don’t necesarily mean singing songs and telling jokes, but rather providing quality information and resources to them about your niche.

Keeping people on your mailing list (because they can unsubscribe from it) is great because whilst you have them, you can begin to direct sales and offer pitches to them.

This kind of direct marketing can have a direct effect on your bottom line, especially after you have built up your following and they trust your advice and respect your reviews.

Just remember that providing poor quality content, selling too hard or spamming will make you lose people from your list or even get yourself banned from the autoresponder service.

If you are looking for an autoresponder, I recommend Aweber

  • Unlimited, sequential auto responses
  • Unlimited broadcast emails
  • Over 100 email templates
  • Easy to use systems
  • Emails can be personalised
  • Tons of reports to monitor your emails
  • Free customer support
  • Subscriber management

You can sign up now for $1 for the first month
