Free Ebook by ApinaPress

Want to be able to change your themes?

Want to learn more about HTML and CSS?

Knowing how to change your websites themes yourself is not only satisfying, but means that you can get your site looking exactly how you want it to, without having to pay a web developer to do it for you. These skills will really help you in the long run and getting a basic grounding in web coding isn’t as hard as you think.

ApinaPress is here to help!

I have put together a primer all about HTML and CSS just for YOU!

Whats inside?

  HTML structure: An overview of how HTML is put together.

  HTML tags: Explanation of the most commonly used tags.

  CSS: Explaining how CSS works and how to use it alongside HTML.

  Examples: How to change your background, fonts and font colour and how to create spaces around your images and text.

Combine this great ebook with the tutorials on ApinaPress such as Child Themes and you’re ready to go!

Get your FREE Ebook

Getting this awesome ebook is really easy, just enter your email address below and follow the link back once you have confirmed and your ebook will be ready to download.

HTML & CSS Primer for Internet Marketers

Once you recieve your confirmation email press the “Continue to our Website” button and it will take you to the download page for the ebook!

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