Hostgator Customer Service Is Awesome.

Recently I have started preperations to expand certain aspects of ApinaPress and my business model as a whole. In order to do that I needed to get my hosting account into some sort of order, as it was a mess. Whilst doing this I ran into numerous issues with getting the settings right as I was looking to create private nameservers as part of my changes.

Now the reason I had so many issues, was simply down to the fact that I am not a server engineer and know very little about the workings of it all, so it was a brand new learning curve for me, and to be honest, I wasn’t sure I was doing it right.

I must have contacted Hostgator, via their live and email support, about 8 times that day, about various issues and user (i.e. my) generated errors.

I have rarely had to contact them before now and I have been using them about 2 years, so for me it was pretty much my first major contact with Hostgator customer service. The level of support I got from them was incredible.

At every turn and with every question they dealt with me in a normal, non techy, pleasant manner, with even an occasional joke thrown in. Whilst the speed wasnt lightning fast to get things resolved(I was with live support for an hour on one query) but I don’t think my queries were always straightforward. I was able to get in touch with their live chat support in under 15 mins at most, and live support emailed me back within about 30 mins, which I think is good, I have certainly come across longer wait times with other companies.

Overall I am really impressed with Hostgator’s service, and when my renewal comes up I wont hesitate to renew it.