The Internet Marketing Community Can Be Wonderful

Wealthy Affiliate RocksThere is one way to truly test a community: have a member struggle with something. It doesn’t matter what it is, whether it is struggling with getting a piece of code to work, or how to go about building an email list, or to truly face a real life hardship.

When this happens, the community will do one of two things: they will ignore the issue, maybe even make fun of it, or they will rise to be better and support that person in anyway that they can.

I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate and I am proud to say that the community there is the latter sort, one where if you have a question or a problem, the community will always try and help. Maybe not always succeed, but always try.

Recently I myself have been on the receiving end of this awesomeness. Due to life being life, and it never being plain sailing, my own situation took a turn for the worse. To top it off my second monitor broke, died, kaput.

This wasnt a good thing. Now I know most people will be thinking, oh no your “second” monitor broke. Yeah I know not life threatening, but I do a lot of multitasking, often having my Wealthy Affiliate chat window open helping people out, whilst working on coding and looking at the design, or writing articles and keyword research.

Only having one monitor meant a reduction in my productivity by a huge percent, and as we all know, ‘Time is money’.

Anyway, because of my own personal situation taking a turn for the worse, I could not afford to purchase a new one, and knew no one in the local area with one going dirt cheap or for free. Looked like I was stuck with it.

I don’t normally post random thoughts on my WA blog, I like to keep it at least generally directed towards useful things about WordPress and techniques to help people out, but this time I decided to rant a little bit.

And I got a lot of support and consolations, which is good, not everything you will do in your newly founded or even long standing internet marketing business will go well, having a support network to give you sympathy and a perhaps some much needed advice is critical.

Most people think that they can do it alone in this business. They are wrong. For a long time I was on my own, trying to fend off the hungry shark types who prey on the inexperienced, whilst trying to further my dreams of my own business.

Then out of the blue, Kyle, one of the co founders of Wealthy Affiliate, offered to buy me a new monitor. He said,

We would like to help you out. I know you offer your relentless support here at WA and we do appreciate everything you do. I think you do have a bright future ahead of you and I don’t want a circumstance like this to hold back your productivity.


Now don’t think that this is an everyday occurrence, in fact I have never seen this kind of generosity before (in or outside of WA!). I felt bad accepting this offer of kindness, as there are so many helpful people in WA, who work tirelessly to help others whilst building their own businesses: Steve of fame, Beverley of and so many more that it would fill a new blog post to list them all.

But lets face it, I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, and I accepted it with many thanks.

Becoming part of a community has so many benefits which outweigh even these kind of generous acts: networking, training, support. Wealthy Affiliate has and continues to supply all of those for me.

Don’t believe me? Well Wealthy Affiliate has a 10 day FREE trial available. Simply click the banner below, no card required, no strings attached, just 10 days of learning, networking and seeing what a real internet marketing community is like.

