Top Premium WordPress Themes by Alexa Ranking
I love stats, and I love wordpress, so when did some research on the most popular themes, I had to tell you about it.
They gathered the most popular themes from the top 1 million sites by Alexa ranking; 35,930 of those were found to be WordPress sites.
From there they dissected the figures even more. What did they find?
Well firstly my two favourite theme suppliers (Thesis and Elegant Themes) were in the top 5 of the premium theme suppliers. Thesis by far outstripping everyone else.
Not only that, but Optimizepress was a high ranking player too. Goes to show that Optimizepress is THE leading sales letter and funnel theme for WordPress right now.
The top 5 themes were:
- Twentyten
- Twentyeleven
- Thesis 18
- OptimizePress
- Thesis 182
Of course having the default themes of WordPress at the first and second spots comes as no surprise, but Thesis appearing twice? Awesome!
06/28/2012 @ 11:34 pm
These are some interesting facts to know Dean, thanks for sharing!
I have noticed a lot of sites using the OptimizePress theme since purchasing earlier this year, and I can say from experience that it’s a great theme to use (although a little tricky to figure out at first).
I guess the data from coincides with your review on OptimizePress that you did back in January of this year 🙂
06/29/2012 @ 8:28 pm
Hey Jason, long time no see!
Yes the stats were really interesting, I was surprised to see Optimizepress so high, but quality will always shine through.