Top 7 Time Saving Tools for Internet Marketers

One thing that none of us ever have it seems, is enough time to get things done. Whether its commitments, chores or just so many ideas and projects, we all need to maximise our time.

One of the best ways to do this is to make use of all the tools out there to speed up, or even better, automate  processes, that otherwise would become a time sink.

I have compiled a list of some of the best time saving tools for internet marketers, to help you free up your time and get more done.


Every marketer needs a list, and dealing with hundreds of email subscribers can become more work than it is worth very quickly unless you have a decent email autoresponder, and Aweber is the best out there.

It allows you to easily create and maintain scheduled emails, send broadcast emails out to promote things and has an abundance of analytics thrown in.


I love Workflowy, and I think you will fall in love with it too! It’s a really simple note taking and organisational tool, but don’t let its simplicity fool you, it is a powerful tool. Use it for anything from your shopping list or daily to do list, up to creating complicated documents and workflows for such things as ebooks  or planning complicated products like WordPress plugins. It can be used for pretty much anything  On top of that its free for 500 notes per month, which is adequate for most people , and the pro version is only $5 bucks a month.

Wealthy Affiliate

Knowledge is a tool just as much as anything else, in fact it could be defined as the most powerful tool you can ever employ. However,  searching for quality information, training and help can take up a lot of your time. Using a service like Wealthy Affiliate can speed up your learning, as well as help garner a network of like minded souls for you learn from, bounce off and work with. It helped me in my early days an internet marketer and continues to help me now.


Working online inevitably means working with websites, and once you get one under your belt you tend to gather a few more. Or a lot more! Maintaining these sites becomes a time sink after a while, as you log in to one then another and another site doing the same chores on each such as updating. What if you just needed to log into one site and be able to update all of them at once? ManageWP does that and more, making it an absolute God send to all of us with numerous websites. Not only that but its free for the first 14 days and the price scales depending on the number of sites.

DropBox or Google Drive

No matter which cloud hosting solution you choose, being able to access your files from anywhere is just awesome. No more forgetting your flashdrive with the important documents on! Both DropBox and Google Drive offer free solutions and the paid for offerings is reasonable. Having your important documents in these services also provides some peace of mind as they are backed up online in case anything happens to your computer.


A true time saver from fiddly jobs, IFTTT (If This Then That) takes the power of basic logic and a variety of services and puts them to work for you. You can create all sorts of “recipes” that free up your time, such as sending your websites posts to Facebook, or tweeting something regularly or automatically backing attachments in your GMail to Dropbox.


Whether you work alone or in a team or with trusted outsourced help, having a project management system can really help with productivity. Asana is a great tool, plus it’s free if your team is under 30 members, so for most marketers that means free!

Saving time by using tools to increase productivity and offload some of the crappy jobs, not only saves you money, but can ease your stress levels too.

Do you have any time saving or productivity increasing tools not in this list? Share them in the comments below!