Go Daddy Exodus Continues
You may have heard about the recent controversal legislation trying to be passed in the United States, the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) which the internet community is rising in arms against due to its broad wording which people fear could be used to shut down sites that arent even doing anything bad, in a form of governmental and corporate censorship.
Recently, Go Daddy – one of the worlds biggest domain and hosting providers – announced that they supported SOPA, against the opinion of nearly all other internet related firms, and sparked outrage amongst the community.
Many big names have now started to move their domain and hosting away from Go Daddy in protest of their actions, even though Go Daddy have rescinded their support, but stating they would still support the act with different wording. Too late for many, their stance has caused a huge black mark against the company in the eyes of consumers.
Should you also wish to move away from Go Daddy, we recommend NameCheap for domain registry and Hostgator for hosting.