Writing is hard! Isn’t it?

Article marketing is an awesome way to promote your websites, but it does require a lot of time and effort on your part. One thing I hear a lot newbie internet marketers is “I can’t do this, I suck at writing”.

Well, here’s the secret…. It doesn’t matter!

No one is born a good writer, it’s a craft like any other, and needs to be honed over time.

The first thing you need to learn is how to get over your fear of writing. Try to realise that writing is not something you have to do perfectly and that it will get better over time.

Write a lot

As I mentioned, writing is a craft that needs honing, so you need to write something everyday, whether its an article, a diary entry or detailed research notes, write at least 500 words a day.

If you have access to a laptop and mobile internet connection take the laptop with you wherever you go, use Google Docs to write so that you can access the info anywhere, on any computer. This means that you can research and prep and even write an article in your lunchtime, or when the kids have gone for a nap.

If you don’t have a laptop take a notebook with you, so that you can write and type it up later.

Even if you are just making notes and outlines, the act of writing helps. After a while you will find it becomes much easier, and natural to write.

Write like you talk.

If you read some of the best blogs out there (not so much popular blogs but blogs that convert to sales) they are written in a natural and friendly manner, as if you were sat next to the reader in a bar and chatting to them about it.

Note, try to keep expletives limited or simply don’t use them, you don’t know the reader ‘that’ well.

Ignore Keywords

You don’t hear that advice much as most people say to make sure you include keywords, and I agree.

The best advice for you though is to have the keyword in mind when writing the article but not to force the keyword into it.

Once the article is written you can then go back over it and check the keyword density (1-4% on average) and if needed tweak the article to include or remove some.

The reason you should ignore the keyword to start with is because it will make a better article, one that flows and is easier to read. An article that is focused on getting enough of the keyword in there tends to read badly and seem forced.

Just do it!

One thing I have learned from being a member of Wealthy Affiliate (an internet marketing learning and resource community) is that you need to take action!

If you have an idea for an article, write it, if possible write it then and there. If that isn’t possible mark down when exactly you will sit down and write it.

Other tips

Don’t forget that writing on the internet isn’t like publishing a book. If you make an error or decide that the whole article needs changing, you can do it, there’s nothing to stop you.